Our Story

BRIX was conceptualized by a team of health scientists, global health advocates, and graduate students.

We recognized a need for community collaboration and purpose-driven research to instate resilience strategies and evidence informed support for our youth. With specific focus on children affected by Adverse Childhood Experiences, life adversity, and disadvantage, we aim to mitigate associated health risk through innovative solutions and educate parents and families along the way.

Our pioneer project is to prefigure and host play stations in community spaces, engage families in conversation around children’s mental health, and leverage science-based techniques to strengthen core life skills in children and enhance responsive relationship between caregivers and children.

This involves collecting and repurposing pre-loved LEGOs, which would otherwise build up in our landfills. These LEGOs will be resupplied to community play station specially in geographical areas that disproportionate affected by adversity, both within the United States and abroad communities. The aim is to mitigate health risk and enable connection through supportive play―facilitating parent-child and community networks that can be sustained.


The BRIX Connection

“As someone who has overcome severe childhood adversity, I feel that BRIX speaks to me on a personal level and will empower me to reconcile my experiences. I wish to help children in similar situations recognize that they are not alone; there are people who understand and support them and are ready to help pave a path forward."

— BRIX Volunteer

BRIX also aims to facilitate community engagement and resource linkage. We are presently partnering with communities in the Bay Area and Mexico, leading discussions on child adversity and post-adversity care and support strategies. A large component of these conversations include surveying the specific needs of each community, pinpointing available social and medical resources, and identifying collaboration opportunities. Beyond these initial engagements, we plan to expand these conversations and develop sustainable national and global partnerships.

We are rooted in innovation, purpose driven research, care, and connection. BRIX is young and growing, backed by a team of changemakers—eager to support and empower children and families impacted by adversity around the globe.

— Team BRIX